The Senate Without Debate Rejects the Meigs Bill.
Caption Meigs Issues an Appeal to the Senators to Give Him Fair Play.
One of the Greatest Legislative Surprises of the Season.
"The action of the Senate yesterday in rejecting the elevated railroad bill without a vote of debate was one of the greatest legislative surprises of the season. The friends of the bill seemed to be in a dream when the matter was reached on the calendar, and before any one realized, what was going on, the measure was declared rejected. Captain Meigs, the inventor of the system provided for in the bill, came in just after the vote had been taken, and was of course very much surprised and grieved. He had hoped that before the debate closed such amendments might be offered as would render the bill satisfactory to all and give him an opportunity to demonstrate the value of his invention. When the bill was going through the various stages in the House, it slipped through a third reading to be engrossed in almost the same way that the bill was rejected in the Senate yesterday. Yet the friends of the bill, in order to give fair play, consented to a reconsideration. The friends of the measure hope the same courtesy will be accorded by the Senate today. In case reconsideration is granted, they will try to put in such amendments as will make the bill satisfactory to all sides."
Source: Boston Globe, April 24, 1883