Passage Of The Meigs Elevated Railroad Bill.
"The topic of discussion in legislative circles during the afternoon, yesterday, was the overwhelming victory of the Meigs elevated road in the House. The debate lasted about one hour, Mr. Kingsley of Cambridge speaking for the bill, and Mr. Rantoul of Salem against it. It was evident, at the start, that the bill would pass, all dilatory motions having been promptly voted down, but no one looked for the sweep with which the bill went through when put to the final test. Mr. Rantoul had just finished his speech against the measure, and its effect was fresh upon the mind of the House, when the speaker put the question, 'Those in favor of passing the bill to a third reading will say aye!' proclaimed that official. The response was a thundering 'aye'! 'Those opposed will say no!' To the utter surprise of the most hopeful friends of the bill, scarcely a baker's dozen responded. Those who talked about the matter afterward were of the opinion that the victory was due in a great measure to the known fact that every member of the Cambridge delegation, where the road is to be built, is decidedly desirous to have the bill become a law. News of the unexpectedly complete victory for the measure in the House very soon reached the Senate, and was quite generally talked about among the members of that branch."
Source: Boston Globe, February 1, 1884