East Cambridge
The Meigs Elevated.
"After long delay the subscribers to the stock for the Meigs Elevated Railroad Company have taken out a charter, the document being issued by the Secretary of State on Friday afternoon of last week. The charter names are Benjamin F. Butler, Joe V. Meigs, Henry Dobbins, John P. Wyman, Jr., J. H. O'Neil, Franklin F. Gregory, A C. Drinkwater, William S. Butler, William A. Russell, Mark H. Frank, T. W. Pierce, George E. Harrington, Henry Hastings, Nathan Appleton, George A. Allen, John Brewster, Walter S. Swan, A. C. Woodworth, Frank Jones, Charles Babbidge, Charles H. Whiting, Edward E. Floyd and Thomas William Clarke as associates.
The certificate of capital stock paid in says it has been fixed at $200,000, not less than, $100,000 for each mile to be erected in Cambridge, as part of the road contemplated in the charter; that 10 percent of the stock has been paid in, and that is is intended in good faith to locate, contract, maintain and operate each railway upon a fixed route in the manner prescribed by law. The officers are as follows: J. H. O'Neil, president, F. F., Gregory, treasurer, B. F. Butler, Joe V. Meigs, Henry Dobbins, John P. Wyman, Jr., A. C. Drinkwater and W. S. Butler, directors."
Source: Cambridge Press, March 30, 1889