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Do Something Lyrics

Lyrics by A.L.C. 
Music by A.L.C. 
Temperance Movement (1904)

I'm such a very little girl, 
'Tis little I can do, 
But I've joined the Band of Hope, 
And I'll be firm and true.

I'm such a very little girl, 
Yet something I can do, 
I can ask all the little girls, 
To come and join us, to.

I'm such a very little girl, 
Yet something I must do, 
Come and join, our Temp'rance Band, 
We'll gladly welcome you.

I'm such a very little girl, 
'Tis little I can do, 
But I've sign'd the Temp'rance pledge, 
And mean to keep it too.

— Marching Songs For Young Crusaders

Note: Boy may be substituted for girl when preferred.


Do Something Sheet Music, 1904
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